If you’ve been around Westheights Church for any length of time then you know how much we value getting together to encourage one another in our faith and following of Jesus. We call these gatherings House Churches and they are simply informal meetings in homes where we share together and discuss relevant topics – it could be the Sunday message, a book of the Bible, family life, or current events. If you’ve never been to one of our small groups I can guarantee that you’ll find them to be a place where you are warmly welcomed and where everyone participates at their own comfort level.
Our Tuesday night group is hosting an upcoming two week series that might be the perfect time to check out House Church. Plus, it will include some very interesting teaching, as we will be looking at our Anabaptist roots which are so important to the Brethren in Christ church. We will be viewing and discussing messages by Greg Boyd (from Woodland Hills Church in Minnesota, author of books such as “The Myth of a Christian Nation” and “The Benefit of Doubt”) and Bruxy Cavey (from our own BIC Meeting House Church and author of “The End of Religion”). Greg and Bruxy are both excellent, captivating speakers, who will be sharing inspiring talks about our history and our values.

Greg Boyd

Bruxy Cavey
We will host this short series on Tuesday, March 28th and Tuesday, April 4th. If you would be interested in joining us we meet from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in Kitchener. Please contact me at terrykreutzkamp@westheights.org for more details.