We’re ready for another spring worship celebration with our neighbours at Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre! The students and kids of Westheights have been busy preparing creative movement and musical worship moments, practising readings and songs…What a treat to see our Jr and Sr Highs choreographing for and teaching the kids! Parents, please bring all participants for 9:30AM on Sunday, April 23rd for our final service order run-through.
And some final notes:
Why not take some time to talk together at home about how Jesus exhorted us to visit the sick, and to love and care for others without condition? Encourage your child to pray for the residents and workers, and celebrate his/her willingness to put the interests of others first!
On the day of, remind your student/child to wear comfortable clothing. The focus is not on performing, but rather on worshipping together and leading the service. We will wear our coats and boots/shoes over to FHLTCC; anyone who decides to bring indoor shoes must be responsible for bringing them to and from the centre.
If you suspect your student/child is fighting a virus, please do not send him/her to FHLTCC. If necessary, we will have a leader stay back with young children who may have colds, etc. It is crucial that we do not knowingly bring illness into the centre.
Check elementary kids in at the Hub, and head to the Great Room at 9:30am on Sunday, April 23rd. Feel free to stay and watch our last rehearsal! Because it can be very crowded at FHLTCC, and because our goal is for the kids to feel they are ministering rather than performing, we ask that you do not attend our service without prior permission.
Expect to pick your child up at the Hub at 11:50 or so. Please give us at least 5 minutes of grace, as the residents must be portered down for the service, and the service start time may vary.
If you have skills in and equipment for quality photography/video recording, please consider taking some photo/video for our archive…If you’re able to help in this way, please contact Charlene Neuman at kids@westheights.org
Thanks for helping to make it all happen!