Our motivation in hosting events like the Sr. High Fall Retreat has always been to provide a great experience for you to meet with God and each other. We just don’t have enough people registered for this weekend’s Retreat to have that experience, so we’re not going ahead with this weekend’s retreat as planned.
What we’re doing instead is an in-town, one day “retreat” where we do some of the best stuff of the Retreat, but in one day and without the travel and overnight stuff. Think of it like a power-packed, espresso-shot version of the Retreat.
Here’s the plan:
• Meet at Montana’s at The Boardwalk for lunch at 11:30AM this Saturday, November 18th, 2017
• Walk over to Landmark Waterloo for a showing of Thor: Ragnorok UPDATE: We’ll be going to the 1:15PM show, if you can only join us for the movie.
• Head back to Westheights Church for pizza, board games, Wii U, foosball, and general hangout fun!
We understand that some of you couldn’t make it to the Retreat because of other commitments. We’re hoping this new event will mean more of you can join us. Even though we’d LOVE to have everyone there for the whole day, we’d love to see you out even for just one or some of the activities if that’s all you can do. We just want to see you! Just drop in whenever you can!
The cost for the day will be $40, which covers your meal, movie, and everything else (except the $9 popcorn.. That’s on you).
• Meet at Montana’s at The Boardwalk at 11:30AM this Saturday, November 18, 2017
• Movie is at Landmark Waterloo (movie times for Saturday haven’t been posted yet, so keep an eye on Students.westheights.org!)
• Head back to Westheights Church after the movie for pizza and games
• Pick-up is at Westheights at 7PM
• This is a great opportunity to invite your friends along too!
• Bring $40 in cash or cheque (made out to “Westheights Church”)
• RSVP (tomfenske@westheights.org) appreciated but not necessary; RSVP if you’re bringing along friends because we may have to arrange more drivers
See you this Saturday!
P.S. – Parents, we have enough drivers to transport the students back to Westheights Church after the movie so don’t worry about that. We’ve got it all figured out. However, if your kids are bringing along friends, keep us posted (tomfenske@westheights.org).