An exciting opportunity to do church with your family, and to be encouraged and equipped to do faith at home.
Come worship together, be inspired by a faith-building experience you can re-create at home, and get to know families with children the same age as yours!
All your child’s significant grown-ups are invited – grandparents, favourite aunts and uncles, daycare providers, etc.!
When does all of this take place? 10:30 to 11:45AM on a Sunday morning (see below for your date) in the Great Room on the Lower Level at Westheights Church. Complimentary lunch for the whole family – woohoo!
As we get closer to each event, we will send out reminders and ask for RSVPs. In the meantime, SAVE YOUR DATE!
Take-It-Home Event Dates and Age Groups are As Follows:
Infant-Toddler on Sunday, November 18
Faith At Home: Building Faith and Family
Preschool-JK Sunday on January 20, 2019
Here is the Church … : Why Church? Why Now?
SK-Grade 1 on Sunday, February 24, 2019
Stinky Feet! Raising Kids Who Care