Well, our SK-Grade 5 September Kick-Off events continue, as Westheights Kids get used to their new small groups (A.K.A. colour teams) and get excited about another year of worshiping, learning and playing together!
Yesterday was Socks and Tees Sunday! Parents, ask your kids about games we played with socks, stockings and t-shirts…It was a serious blast. Hard to stop – which was why some of us ran out of time to finish our awesome Bible (-or-anything-else) bags, made from reused tees!
Why Bible bags, you ask? In our mini-lesson this week, we talked about lies – the lies the world tells us. Lies about our identity, our worth, our purpose…Lies about what’s right, and what’s wrong, and about whether doing things Jesus’ way is even possible! About why God’s enemy would want us to believe those lies – and how knowing the truth (what God says) grows BIG FAITH. A faith that protects us like a shield, from the lies that were meant to take us down…
We want the kids to know why we dig into the Word of God every Sunday – and through the week at home, right? – why we discuss it, memorize it, and wrestle with it, to find The Way to live by.
So if your SK-Grade 5 children have a Bible to bring to church, have them bring it in their Bible bag each week. We’ll join with you in teaching them how to navigate through it, and how to make it their own…If they don’t have a Bible, let us know (kids@westheights.org) and we can talk about partnering together to give your child a Bible!
If you have an unfinished bag at home, click here for DIY instructions! It’s easy and fun – and a good way for your child to practise tying knots. (But stick around – he or she may need your help to know which parts to tie.)
See you this Sunday, for our last Kick-Off event!