Are you looking for a House Church community that fits your busy schedule?
Join us for a Sunday Lunch, a Thursday night or a series of 8 Thursdays, whatever suits your schedule. There is no long-term commitment expected. Come meet new people, experience community, and have fun!
We’re a group of Ordinary People, exploring faith in everyday life. Led by the Gallians and the Slaters, this group is open to all ages and family combinations (singles, parent-child, spouses, etc.).
Enjoy fun and friendship in 3 ways:
- Come for just one evening when it suits your schedule, or
- Commit to only one theme/season on Thursday evenings (6 week theme, plus a community service and a social), and/or
- Join us for one of our monthly Soup Sunday lunches
If you are interested, be sure to email us at: House locations will vary, so please EMAIL TO CONFIRM LOCATION! (We’re mixing it up and enjoying different host homes.)
Exploring Faith in Everyday Life
- Encouraging ~ Fun ~ Refreshing
- Come & Go, 6-week topics (+ service & social nights)
- Thursdays, 7-9 pm and Sunday Lunches (last Sunday of the month)
A diverse group for all ages. No faith experience necessary. Led by Heather & Shane Gallian, Nel & Paul Slater.
Email for details.
Kick-off: October 11
Our First “Soup Sunday” Lunch: October 28
Our first topic is exploring the question: “What’s Important to Our Faith Community?”
P.S. If you’re new to House Church, we’d love to connect with you personally to answer any questions you may have!