Happy Friday, my Westheights friends! Last week I was standing in the caulking aisle at a hardware store with three other customers. We were all wearing our masks and doing our best to give each other space, when one person did what we all do when we are trying to find something particular on a store shelf – he stepped back into the middle of the aisle so he could take a better look. This innocent move encroached on the buffer that existed between some of the people in the aisle and led to a tense moment where another customer felt the need to tell-off this man for “taking up the whole aisle” and the man responded by saying “relax!” Fortunately that was it, but for a moment I was sure that more was going to come from this exchange.

For me this incident illustrates two things. First, that our comfort levels in these types of situations right now will vary and have the real potential to lead to conflict. And second, that this is an opportunity for us as followers of Jesus to be quick to respond with grace when these situations arise.

Let’s be honest, after nearly 6 months, this isn’t getting easier. So let’s be people who are committed to being slow to speak, quick to listen and generous in love.



This Sunday we are once again having a virtual foyer by using Zoom so that we can see and say “hi” to one another after the service.  To join in right after this Sunday’s service, simply click this link. If you aren’t set up with Zoom yet, we recommend that you click on the link and set things up before Sunday.



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