UPDATE 02/09/20: Click here to fill out our Regathering Fall 2020 Survey (by Sept 8) to let us know your plans.

Happy Friday, Westheights! Here we are nearing the end of August. It is the time of year when we usually look ahead with a sense of expectation of new routines and new experiences. But given the current circumstances, we can’t be blamed if this year many of us have a sense of trepidation and uncertainty about what comes next.

One area of expectation (and even uncertainty) has to do with when we as a church are going to resume in-person services. As you can imagine, this has been something that has been frequently discussed by the Board and the church staff. This week the decision was made that we will work towards having our first in-person service on Sunday October 11th. One of the reasons for choosing this date is that we want to give people the time to digest all the changes this fall may bring, so that we can be ready to re-engage meeting in person.

In making this announcement, I want to recognize that there is a variety of reasons why attending an in-person service might not be right for you or your family. Because of this, we are committed to continue offering our Sunday service online. In fact our hope is that by the time we start in October that we will be able to livestream this service so that whether you meet with us online or in-person, we will all be sharing the same experience. It is our belief that whether you join us in person or online that you belong to our church family!

Over the coming weeks we will be sharing more details about our fall ministry plans including what to expect regarding Sunday in-person services. As a part of this communication, the staff and the Board are interested in hearing from you about your interest in attending in-person services and we will soon be sending out a survey to facilitate your feedback.



It is always great to have pictures from our church family as a part of our Sunday online service. This week we are asking you to send us a picture of something you love. It could be a favourite snack, a person, an activity … anything really! Send a picture to Christina (christinamain@westheights.org) by Wednesday August 26th and we will include it in the service.



This Sunday we are once again having a virtual foyer by using Zoom so that we can see and say “hi” to one another after the service.  To join in right after this Sunday’s service, simply click this link. If you aren’t set up with Zoom yet, we recommend that you click on the link and set things up before Sunday.



Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss our Sundays Online messages.

To stay in the communications loop regarding this (and so many other things), please click here to subscribe to our email list and follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Click here to find out how you can continue to give to the ministry work of Westheights Church. Thank you for your continued support.