Happy Friday Westheights,
This Sunday I am thrilled to have Pastor Terry Kreutzkamp lead our teaching time. For those who don’t know Terry, he officially oversees our House Church ministry, but unofficially keeps our worship ministry organized and contributes so much to our staff team. All in a volunteer capacity! In short, Terry is pretty amazing.
Hope you have a great weekend! – Pastor Josh
Pastor Josh is currently working on an upcoming sermon series and would love to hear from you. If you click here you will find a form with WAAAAY too many questions. He would be grateful for whatever response you are able to give (even if you just answer 1 question). Thanks in advance for your input into our teaching time!
As a part of our Just Be teaching series, we will be participating in Communion together. In preparation for communion, we are asking that you have a small glass of red juice and a piece of bread (or cracker) with you so that we can eat and drink together. Please have your elements ready for the beginning of the service.
This fall we are working on facilitating an in-person Sunday morning gathering at the church starting Sunday October 11th that we will be calling Westheights @ 82. For the time being this gathering will be what we are calling a “Watch Party” and is an opportunity to take in our Sunday online service in the same space as other members of our Westheights family. Information about what to expect and how to register will be made available starting next week.
This Sunday we are once again having a virtual foyer by using Zoom so that we can see and say ‘hi” to one another after the service. To join in right after this Sunday’s service, simply click this link. If you aren’t set up with Zoom yet, we recommend that you click on the link and set things up before Sunday.
Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss our Sundays Online messages (LIVE at 10:30am each Sunday).
To stay in the communications loop regarding this (and so many other things), please click here to subscribe to our email list and follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Click here to find out how you can continue to give to the ministry work of Westheights Church. Thank you for your continued support.