Happy Friday Westheights,
Who are you inviting to “attend” our Christmas Eve service this year? Use christmas.westheights.org to share with your family and friends. It promises to be a really special service unlike any other!
– Pastor Josh
Last Call for Christmas Karaoke
We thought it would be special to try to get as many of our Westheights friends and families as possible to participate in a special song for our Christmas Eve service. From November 29th until December 13th, you will find a track for Silent Night on our Westheights YouTube channel and we would love for you to record a video of yourself (or your whole family) singing along with it. Instructions will be included on how to send us your video, and then we will put them all together to present the song on Christmas Eve. You’ll be singing as part of a large group and all voices are welcome – from those with the voice of an angel to others who think they can’t carry a tune in a bucket. We look forward to sharing the final video with everyone on Christmas Eve. Submissions should be made to terrykreutzkamp@westheights.org using wetransfer.com.
Daily Advent Readings
It is not too late to start following along with the daily Advent readings. You can get e-book and printable versions of the BIC devotional from our website. Or you can join our Facebook group where the readings will be posted each day.
Advent Discussion
During the Advent season, we are adding a second after-service online gathering that we are calling an Advent Discussion. Starting this Sunday we will be hosting a discussion centred around the theme and sermon, immediately following the service. These chats, which will take place on Zoom, are meant to be very interactive and will likely go for about 20 to 30 minutes. They will be facilitated by our House Church Director, Terry Kreutzkamp, and are open to anyone who is interested in participating in this kind of exchange of ideas.
As well, we will be recording the audio of these conversations with the intent to edit them and make them available as podcasts for later listening. Here is the link to join in our Advent Discussion.
Prayer Requests
If you would have something that you would like us to pray for, email your prayer request to prayerrequest@westheights.org. Prayer requests will be forwarded to Westheights folks who have expressed a desire to support us in prayer. If you would like to receive these prayer requests please email office@westheights.org and we will add you to the distribution list.
Virtual Foyer (The Original)
This Sunday we are once again having a virtual foyer by using Zoom so that we can see and say ‘hi” to one another after the service. To join in right after this Sunday’s service, simply click this link. If you aren’t set up with Zoom yet, we recommend that you click on the link and set things up before Sunday.
Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss our Sundays Online messages (LIVE at 10:30am each Sunday).
To stay in the communications loop regarding this (and so many other things), please click here to subscribe to our email list and follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Click here to find out how you can continue to give to the ministry work of Westheights Church. Thank you for your continued support.