You’re invited to join us for an hour of all-ages fun at our Virtual Coffee House on Sunday, June 6th. Hop online at 3:30pm to enjoy the talents of our Westheights church family, and enjoy a Coffee House snack kit from the comfort of your own home. You can simply join us on the day of as our Zoom audience, or even better, you can create a video of your own to share!
What Else?
→ Send us a short (<5min) video of you showing off something you’re proud of! A musical ability, a reading of a poem you wrote, a piece of art you created, or a cool trick…Really, it could be anything! Send your video, using, to by May 30. (Note: Videos will only be shared over Zoom, and not posted online.)
→ Your Westheights Coffee House experience won’t be complete without one of our Westheights-made snack kits! To receive yours, please fill out this Google form by May 27th. Snack kits will be available for pickup up at 82 Westheights Drive on Sunday, June 6, between 12:30-2pm.
One more thing… Who’s the Masked Host? You’ll need to pay close attention to the clues and take your best guess…!
Zoom Info:
Time: Jun 6, 2021 03:30 PM America/Toronto
Meeting ID: 871 8950 0058