Happy Friday Westheights!
This week we welcomed Sarah Brnjas to our staff team as our Director of Administration and Sunday Services! Sarah has hit the ground running, learning new systems and researching solutions. If you would like to “meet” Sarah, please join us in our Virtual Foyer following our Sunday service by clicking this link.
– Pastor Josh Mutter
Guest Speaker
This week we are pleased to have Quincy Bergman participate in our teaching time. Quincy is one of the pastors at the Oakville Parish of The Meeting House.
Westheights (Virtual) Coffee House: Unmasked – June 6th
This Sunday is our much anticipated special event. Log on at 3:30pm for an hour of fun together and also trying to guess who the masked host is. Zoom Info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87189500058 (Meeting ID: 871 8950 0058)
The Community Centre Collection
This spring we have been collecting items to be distributed by the Forest Heights Community Centre. This month, we ask you to consider purchasing diapers (size 4-6 only). Donations can be left in the bin located on the ramp to the church office. The last day for collection is Wednesday, June 16th.
Communion & Prayer Time – June 13
Next Sunday we will be including Communion in our service. If you wish to participate, please have bread and juice with you. Following the service, we have planned for a time of prayer. More information and a zoom link can be found on our blog.
Prayer Requests
If you would have something that you would like us to pray for, email your prayer request to prayerrequest@westheights.org. Prayer requests will be forwarded to Westheights folks who have expressed a desire to support us in prayer. If you would like to receive these prayer requests please email office@westheights.org and we will add you to the distribution list.
Finally …
Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss our Sundays Online messages.
To stay in the communications loop regarding this (and so many other things), please click here to subscribe to our email list and follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Click here to find out how you can continue to give to the ministry work of Westheights Church. Thank you for your continued support.