Happy Friday Westheights!
I hope that you have had a good week and that you are planning on participating in our Sunday service either online via Westheights@Home or in-person at Westheights@82. Keep reading for more details. – Josh
For those who wish to enjoy our service from the comfort of home (or wherever you happen to be), you will continue to find us on YouTube. Attendees are encouraged to join in on the chat conversation and to join the Virtual Foyer after the service using this zoom link.
Starting July 11, we will be also hosting an in-person gathering on Sundays at 10:30am which will be livestreamed to those watching from home. Because space is limited, we are asking anyone planning on attending to register in advance via this online form by Saturday at 10pm or leaving a phone message (519-741-1986 extension 802) on our general office voicemail to register. Please call on Wednesday or Thursday to make sure someone sees your voicemail during office hours.
Prayer Requests
If you would have something that you would like us to pray for, email your prayer request to prayerrequest@westheights.org. Prayer requests will be forwarded to Westheights folks who have expressed a desire to support us in prayer. If you would like to receive these prayer requests please email office@westheights.org and we will add you to the distribution list.
Finally …
Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss our Sundays Online messages
To stay in the communications loop regarding this (and so many other things), please click here to subscribe to our email list and follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Click here to find out how you can continue to give to the ministry work of Westheights Church. Thank you for your continued support.