A couple of weeks ago we had our Reset Retreat 2022 event, where we opened the church for 24 hours for anyone needing a space outside their home to reflect, rest and reset. We had 28 volunteers who each gave a few hours so we could have the church building open for that whole time, and we want to say a huge THANK YOU to the volunteers. This would not have been possible without you, and we are full of gratitude for your willingness to help bring this event to life.
Throughout the event, we had about 30 people come to the church to go through various stations encouraging different types of contemplative practices, and an overwhelming amount of feedback from people that this is what they needed. From walking the indoor labyrinth, to going through the reflective questions within the sanctuary station, or practicing Visio Divina for the first time, every person had different areas they were drawn to and lingered in longer.
For several people, this was their first time back in the church building in over two years, and it was beautiful being able to be back. Conversations flowed in the foyer with people seeing each other for the first time in person for a long while, and volunteers connected with people they might not have otherwise got to see if they weren’t there. The echoing sentiment was that this event was beautifully curated, and that having the different spaces allowed for reflection depth that some were surprised by.
We also provided materials for those who wanted to participate from home, so that people who were unable to come to the church could still have an opportunity to reset as well. For those interested in the materials, they’re still accessible by filling out this form.
One resounding feedback that we heard was that people would have loved more notice for the event so that they could plan for more time to be at the church. So consider this your first notice! Mark your calendar for Reset 2023, February 26-27, 2023. If you’re interested in being contacted in the future with details on potentially volunteering, being a part of the planning leading up to the event, or hope to attend the event next year, please fill out this form (this isn’t a promise to commit, we just want to know you want to learn more!). This will help us gauge interest and help during the planning process!