What a memorable time was had on Sunday afternoon, as our Westheights Young Adults were finally able to meet again in person!
Between laughs and the busyness of a challenging service project, we took time to discuss our personal responses to the conflict in Ukraine, and to inspire each other to pray, give, and act – as we follow Christ with compassionate care for those who are suffering.
On Monday, we returned 10 full Relief Kits and an impressive pile of wrinkle-free and carefully cut squares of fabric to MCC Material Resources. At the warehouse, they’ll be made into comforters and distributed to families in need. “Made with care,” we hope they will be a comfort for some of the many who have been displaced by war, in places like Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Ukraine.
The following shout-outs are still lingering in the air:
- To students who crawled out from assignment loads and cramming, and actually came!!!
- To those who shared candidly about how war in Ukraine affects (or doesn’t affect) their everyday existence.
- To all the Student Ministry families who donated items for us to assemble into Relief Kits!
- To Leah, Paul and Jon, from MCC Material Resources, who provided for us this life-giving opportunity to serve.
- To those who didn’t seem to mind ironing out the wrinkles, literally – for hours!
- To those who jumped in with both hands – hunched over templates and cutting with scary little wheels…
- To the many who stayed an extra hour to continue ironing and cutting fabric, and to clean up!
- To you-know-who-you-are! – for creating a space where everyone could come and belong, no matter how they were feeling, physically, mentally, or emotionally.
- To everyone, for coming ready to be and give – in this friendly group of such a wide range of ages and stages.
NEXT EVENT: Sunday, May 1, 2022, 3-5PM