Introducing our Fall Teaching Series
As followers of Jesus, we are called to work towards right relationships in our daily lives and around the world. In a church and a world that is increasingly polarized, skills of conflict transformation and healthy dialogue are essential tools for living out our theology of peace. What this means is that the way that we relate to one another in interpersonal conflict matters. It creates habits in us that influence the way we see people who think differently than we do. Starting on September 10, our teaching series will engage an MCC resource called Peaceful Practices that will encourage us to develop basic skills of healthy conflict transformation and dialogue.
Take it Further
As great as it is for this to be the focus of our Sunday teaching time, it would be even better if we could find ways to engage these practices in additional ways (because they don’t come naturally). Here are three ideas:
Work through the Peaceful Practices curriculum on your own – Each session will include a focus word, peaceful practice, biblical reflection, conflict transformation too, reflection questions, an activity and helpful resources. Intentionally plan a time to make it a part of your week.
If you’d like a print out of the curriculum, please reach out to Sarah at
Discuss Peaceful Practices with others – Starting on September 11, there will be a weekly House Church group meeting on Monday nights to discuss the Peaceful Practices curriculum. For more information, fill out this form.
Learn Together – Join us Sunday October 1 at 2pm, to experience the Kairos Blanket Exercise in Ontario, presented by MCC Ontario and KAIROS Canada. Walk the path of First Peoples, delving into sensitive topics like Residential Schools, Assimilation, Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Children. Join us to honour personal stories within the circle of understanding as we embrace the opportunity for Truth and Reconciliation. Registration starts September 10th. Sign up at, or email/call the church office.