by Mimi Lee | Apr 4, 2016 | Thoughts + Beliefs
In his first message in the Simplify sermon series, Todd referenced a time saving device, the 3-second corkscrew at Canadian Tire. There are many time-saving products available to us, but do they really work and how much time do they really save? And what are you...
by Mimi Lee | Jan 11, 2016 | Book Reviews, Christian Living
The staff is kept busy year round at Westheights Church because there’s always something exciting coming up. However, in the week between Christmas and New Year, we take a bit of a breather and make precious memories with our family and friends. It’s also...
by Mimi Lee | Mar 19, 2015 | Thoughts + Beliefs
Several of us had the privilege of hearing John Lennox at the Pascal Lectures this week. His evening lectures were: “Cosmic Chemistry: Do God and Science Mix?” and “The Hard Question: God and the Problem of Evil.” I didn’t make it to his...
by Mimi Lee | Nov 13, 2014 | Classifieds
Anyone want a set of 21 salt and pepper shakers? What a great way to store glitter for crafts, make cute Christmas salt of the earth ornaments, to store seeds, sprinkle cinnamon and sugar with, etc. Contact Mimi at the church office if you’d like some or all of...
by Mimi Lee | Aug 16, 2013 | Children, Family Life, Students
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” according to Staples, and many families are squeezing in as many memory-making moments as possible before the summer break comes to a screeching halt and we return to our regular scheduling. I’m...