House Church

House Churches clearly fit with our vision of helping people to find and follow Jesus by facilitating an atmosphere conducive to meaningful relationships. On Sunday mornings, the congregation meets together for the purpose of corporate worship and relevant teaching. However, people rarely experience meaningful fellowship at a Sunday morning service, and rarely do they have opportunity to dialogue about the content and application of the message to their personal lives. There is a solution. House Church! House Churches provide the opportunity to cultivate deeper connections and friendships while supporting each other on our spiritual journeys.

For a current listing of our house churches, click here

For more information, contact our House Church Director, Terry Kreutzkamp



Hey, Parents! Westheights Kids is committed to partnering with you!

Our mission is to equip and support you as you raise your kids to love and follow Jesus. We look forward to making our voices count alongside yours – leading kids to worship and listen for God, to learn from Scripture, and to live in the extraordinary way of Jesus! Our Sunday programs are spaces to nurture vibrant faith, through relationships, stories, music, games, contemplative activities, discussions and crafts. 

Sundays, 10:30-11:40AM, at Westheights Community Church

Toddlers to Grade 5s

If you have questions, or would like to receive prayer support and/or Westheights Kids weekly mail-outs, email


Jr. High • Sr. High

Jr & Sr High students (grades 6-12) meet on Thursday evenings from 7-9pm, in-person at the church (82 Westheights Dr). Join us for lots of fun games, snacks, time to get to know each other, and learn about Jesus! Do you have questions? Email

Young Adults

Westheights Young Adult events happen twice a month on Sundays, from 3-5PM, when we create space to get to know each other, grow in faith together, relax and have fun! Our time includes relevant study and discussion topics, stories shared, service projects, and connecting in friendship and prayer.

Join us on Instagram @westheights_young_adults, or email us at to subscribe to our mailouts.