Journey to the Cross – Week Four

Journey to the Cross – Week Four

  SACRED READING Sacred Reading, or Lectio Divina as it’s often called, is a process of reading through Scripture with a goal to see how God is speaking to you. The focus is more on studying yourself than the text, looking for how the words of Scripture speak to...
Journey to the Cross – Week Three

Journey to the Cross – Week Three

FASTING Fasting is the most traditionally observed activity during the Lent season. Many people give up something for the 40 days of Lent, often something they usually find joy in. This is done not to punish themselves but to serve as a daily reminder of the great...
Journey to the Cross – Week Two

Journey to the Cross – Week Two

IGNATIAN EXAMEN The Ignatian Examen was developed by Ignatius of Loyola, a priest and former soldier who formed the Society of Jesus (or Jesuits) in 1541. His students became some of the most prolific educators, scholars, and spiritual guides in the modern Church. At...
Journey to the Cross – Week One

Journey to the Cross – Week One

CENTERING PRAYER It might seem simple, but the primary instruction for the Centering Prayer is to “be quiet.” Most of the time our prayers are thoughts or words but we rarely make space to hear what God may be trying to say to us. Centering Prayer is about allowing...