New Song: Once And For All

New Song: Once And For All

We are introducing a new song this Sunday called “Once And For All”.  The power of this song is in its creed-like statements of who we believe Jesus to be:  “We believe our God is Jesus.  We believe that He is Lord.  We believe that He has saved us...
Song: Awake My Soul

Song: Awake My Soul

Enjoying IMMERSE so far?  Here’s another song for you.  It’s called “Awake My Soul” by Chris Tomlin (from his new album “Burning Lights” which I highly recommend!)  In this song he prays, “Speak to Me, Word of God, speak to...

I Will Follow

We have been singing this song for a while now at Westheights.  The lyrics fit so well with our Living Red theme:  “Who you love, I’ll love.  How you serve, I’ll serve.”  You can listen to the song here.  … Read...