by Westheights | Jun 19, 2018 | Events
Everyone is invited to the Annual Westheights Corn Roast on Saturday, September 8th! Bring along your friends, neighbours and family for an informal time of relaxed socializing. It’s always a great time and memories are sure to be made. Farm-fresh corn-on-the-cob and...
by Westheights | Sep 13, 2017 | Events
This year’s corn roast was a huge success. We had fine weather, delicious food and, most importantly, a wonderful group of friends to hang out with. Fun facts about this year’s corn roast: Over 125 in attendance We filled and conscientiously sorted 3 green...
by Westheights | Aug 15, 2017 | Events
Everyone is invited to the Annual Westheights Corn Roast on Saturday, September 9! Bring along your friends, neighbours and family for an informal time of gathering and relaxed socializing. It’s always a great time and memories are sure to be made. This will also be...
by Westheights | Sep 13, 2016 | Events
The weather was perfect at last Sunday’s corn roast so it was worth waiting the extra day. Thanks to our corn roast organizers, Jen and Chris King and Cindy and Jason Jantzi, for organizing this fun event each year! We had a blast! Watch our video recap here....
by Westheights | Sep 10, 2016 | Breaking News
Today’s Corn Roast has been postponed due to poor weather. Instead, we will be shucking our corn tomorrow (Sunday, Sept 11, 2016) at the same time and place. For corn roast details, click here.… Read...