by Charlene Neuman | Apr 5, 2022 | Events, Volunteering
What a memorable time was had on Sunday afternoon, as our Westheights Young Adults were finally able to meet again in person! Between laughs and the busyness of a challenging service project, we took time to discuss our personal responses to the conflict in Ukraine,...
by Charlene Neuman | Nov 30, 2021 | Children, Global Missions, Students
What a project, and a privilege. We invite you to join us in this life-and-soap-giving mission! This Advent season, Westheights Kids families are working hard to collect basic hygiene items – so that, with the help of our community, each family can assemble one...
by Westheights | Dec 10, 2019 | Sermons
Heather Gallian was our special guest speaker at this year’s Project Give service. Heather shared touching and powerful stories of Mennonite Central Committee’s movement and work in our world. Heather is the Manager of Donor Engagement at Mennonite Central...
by Westheights | Nov 5, 2019 | Global Missions
Was that snow we just saw today? Did that make any of you think of Christmas? And then did your brain slide into the inevitable panic as you realized you haven’t finished (or perhaps even started) your Christmas shopping? How do you select presents that are both...
by Melanie Wigg | Dec 6, 2018 | Music + Arts
Here’s the YouTube playlist of the songs we’re doing on Sunday. This Sunday’s service will be an intergenerational worship experience. The kids will be joining us for the first half of the service. We are excited to have Kim Lester as our guest...