by Charlene Neuman | Sep 24, 2018 | Children
Well, our SK-Grade 5 September Kick-Off events continue, as Westheights Kids get used to their new small groups (A.K.A. colour teams) and get excited about another year of worshiping, learning and playing together! Yesterday was Socks and Tees Sunday! Parents, ask...
by Charlene Neuman | Sep 9, 2018 | Children
You might have already caught the buzz: Westheights Kids in SK- Grade 5 kicked off the year with some crazy bubble fun – and some giant bubble wands!! Did you know that making “God’s Kingdom come” is a lot like making bigger-than-life,...
by Charlene Neuman | Jun 1, 2015 | Children
The end-of-the-school-year busyness is upon us! Recitals, track-and-field, finals, picnics and field trips galore…Along with the giddiness of anticipation as we count down the days to SUMMER! (Okay, the kids are giddy…Some of us are bracing...
by Charlene Neuman | Feb 5, 2015 | Children
For Westheights Students and Kids who are prepping a Sunday morning service for our friends next-door at Forest Heights Long Term Care, the schedule is out! For the benefit of the teams, and because we want to keep the number of rehearsals to a minimum, please...
by Charlene Neuman | Jan 12, 2015 | Children
Can kids be servants of God and ministers of the Good News? You bet they can! Our children, students and leaders have another opportunity to live the Good News with our next-door neighbours at Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre. We’re excited to have been invited...