What to Expect on a Sunday Morning


Westheights@82 is an in-person gathering at 82 Westheights Drive that includes both live and prerecorded elements. We are following Ontario Public Health recommended protocols at this time, which means masks are optional.

Dress comfortably for you. You can wear a shirt and tie or your favourite shorts. The service gets started at 10:30AM. We recommend you come fifteen minutes early to find a parking spot, sign your kids in if you need to, and get settled in.

Here’s how a normal Sunday goes:

Friendly people when you walk in.

3-4 modern songs with words so you can sing along (if you want to).

Announcements to let you know about upcoming events and news.

A 30-40 minute relevant and engaging sermon.

We have a great web app for you to take notes with.

A short prayer.

We’re usually done by 11:45. Feel free to stick around to meet some people.


For those who wish to enjoy our service from home, we will continue to make our services available on YouTube and look forward to connecting via that chat.


Where to Find Us

82 Westheights Drive in Kitchener (Right Behind the Real Canadian Superstore)

Everything You Need on a Sunday

Wake Up Call Not Included