So this week’s Core Value was about following Jesus. This one says “We value wholehearted obedience to Christ Jesus through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.” I think that this is one of those subjects which seems really basic, and then blows up in our face really quick.I think that it can be really difficult discussing any sort of ‘theology’ around following Jesus since everything seems to come down to the individual’s heart and intension, so let’s try this. When was there a time in your life when you felt as if you needed to follow Jesus. What happened, what were the challenges, what were the rewards?
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82 Westheights Drive
Kitchener, Ontario
N2N 2A8
I remember when I first became a Christian and I had to take a serious look at the friendships I had at that time. The whole situation is pretty confusing, and I can’t say that I really walked away from the friendships that I had because I really believe that God was instrumental in drawing me away from some fairly negative influences, but it was a fairly grey line.
Regardless, I found myself mostly alone in my final couple years of high-school. There were times when I really resented that kind of situation, but I’ve realized more recently how necessary it was for me to have that time where I relied so completely on God.
I think I turned out alright, and i’m looking forward to depending of Jesus more in the future.