As a kid, Christmas was always about presents – more presents, bigger presents, newer presents.  Even though we regularly went to church, I sang in the choir, and was a shepherd in the play, the main event was still presents.

It was in Grade 5, early December that I remember a special assembly at school in the auditorium.  I remember being called down, settling in, enjoying the carol sing, and even listening to the principal.  But what I really remember most was a little skit performed by the grade 7 students.  You see, they were the senior students at school, they were cool, and you listened to the grade 7’s.  Their skit began on Christmas Eve with a little boy getting ready for bed but he was too excited about Christmas the next morning.  Then he saw his first star of the night and made a wish that every day would be Christmas.   The story unfolded, the next day was Christmas, presents were unwrapped, carols were sung, turkey was carved, and all was perfect.  Then the little boy went to bed.

The next morning, magically, it was Christmas again.  More presents, more carols, and more turkey.  It was amazing.  The next day repeated itself as Christmas but the magic was less magical, the carols were less tuneful, and the turkey was getting old.  By the 4th day, the boy was getting bored by the whole scene and wondered why he wished for Christmas Every Day.  Then an angel showed up and explained that Christmas was about the birth of Christ.  The boy then realized that birthdays are celebrated once a year and asked the angel to change it back to the way it was.  The angel granted the boy’s wish and the next morning, life was back to normal.

This little skit started to make me rethink Christmas and what made it special.  Grade 5 was a very long time ago and I’ve never been back to that auditorium but I still remember the lesson from that assembly – even if it wasn’t completely biblically accurate.


John 1:14

Challenge (by Devon Wagler)

When John refers to the Word in the first chapter of his gospel, he is referring to the actual power of God, the God who spoke in order to create the universe. The Word is the creative and loving power of God, which has ‘become flesh,’ or become human.

We use the phrase ‘what, were you born in a barn?’ to insult someone’s manners without realizing that God was born in a dirty barn.  Think about how humble God must have been in order to accept this kind of entry into the world.


“Christmas in Bethlehem. The ancient dream: a cold, clear night made brilliant by a glorious star, the smell of incense, shepherds and wise men falling to their knees in adoration of the sweet baby, the incarnation of perfect love.”
(Lucinda Franks)