Whether you are struggling with money problems under a mountain of debt, or whether you think you could just use a little bit of help with this thing called money. This is a program which can help you to discover God’s plan on how we should deal with our money.
Beginning Tuesday, Mar 8 at 7:00 pm, in the office complex (portable).
In 13 action-packed lessons, you’ll learn how to beat debt, build wealth, find bargains, invest for the future, give like never before, and much more! You will be challenged and motivated to make a plan for your money and change your family tree forever. This video curriculum, taught by financial expert Dave Ramsey, incorporates small-group discussions to encourage accountability and discipleship. Financial Peace University is highly entertaining for everyone, with a unique combination of humour, informative financial advice and biblical messages. More than one million families have already had their lives changed by attending FPU. On average, families who have attended have paid off $5,300 in debt and saved $2,700 in just the first three months! Stop worrying about money, and start your journey to Financial Peace today.
Register with Devon Wagler (devonwagler@westheights.org)
or John/Melanie C so we will have enough resource kits.
(edit 2022: For privacy purposes, edits were made to the post)