“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4


Whenever we lose anything of value we tend to mourn its loss. We mourn severely over the loss of a loved one and much less severely over a valuable possession but It’s still a sense of loss. We may even mourn over setbacks in our walk with God. But Jesus is talking about a different kind of mourning. He is talking about people who recognize their need for God. People who are proud of their accomplishments tend to be self-satisfied and rely on their own power, but those who mourn are the ones who are able to see the spiritual bankruptcy in themselves, and that without God they have nothing.

It is good to remember that we should mourn over the things that God mourns. Like the famous quote, “Let my heart break for the things that break the heart of God.” This is what allows us to know where God’s heart is. When we see where God’s heart is, our mourning really becomes the tool which allows us to see where we should be making a difference around us.


  • Praise God for who He is
  • Confess your sinfulness and need for cleansing
  • Allow His Spirit to draw you near
  • Listen as He speaks to you


  • Pray that God can help us to mourn for what He mourns
  • Pray that God gives us the heart to make a difference in what we mourn for


  • Thank God for hearing you
  • Trust that God is at work to accomplish His will


What’s happening around us?

The Food Bank of Waterloo Region is a charitable, community-based organization that acquires and distributes donated food for families and individuals in need. Volunteers are priceless, and the Food Bank would not exist without them. They have over 1600 volunteers including individuals, school groups, families and corporate groups. Volunteers offer support by sorting food and helping in the warehouse, by driving and assisting our drivers to deliver food, by working at reception and performing other administrative duties, and by being part of a committee or volunteering during special events.