All of us have been following, with deep concern and sadness, the devastating results of the earthquake and tsunami in north-east Japan. As with other, recent natural disasters we want to consider ways to provide compassionate response, as well as to be praying for the people in the midst of such loss and pain. There is a small, national Brethren in Christ Church (Nihon Kirisuto Keiteidan) that is located in southern Japan and, as far as we know, not as directly impacted by recent events.

If you would like to respond to this disaster, there are at least two avenues to consider:

  • Our BIC World Hunger Fund. This Fund is operated by BIC Canada to gather donations from individuals, families, churches. Donations can either be mailed directly to the Oakville office or through via your congregational treasurer. All donations are eligible for a tax receipt. Donations will be either sent directly to the BIC Church in Japan for its use in responding within Japan or to MCC-directed projects. Cheques sent to BIC office (2700 Bristol Circle, Oakville, ON) must be payable to “Canadian Conference BIC Church”, with note to World Hunger Fund – Japan.  [In 2010, the BIC World Hunger Fund disbursed over $60,000 to relief projects.]
  • Mennonite Central Committee. As you know, MCC is our relief and development agency established to respond to need locally and globally, and are preparing to respond to this disaster, as well. Donations can be sent directly to MCC offices, check out its website:, for direction on this.