“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8


Jesus was raised in a Jewish society where purity was a daily routine. Purity was shown through all of the different ceremonial washings that was required by the traditions of the Pharisees and teachers of the law. People were required to wash pitchers, hands and many other things in a particular way in order to keep their bodies pure. But Jesus emphasizes a different kind of purity, a purity of the heart. The heart is not something that can be cleansed or purified through washing. With all the work people went through to stay ‘pure’ they were neglecting the most important aspect of the purity of the heart.

The verse says, in order to purify our hearts, we need to set our heart on God. The focal point of our desires needs to line up with the heart of God. Those who are pure in heart are not those who perform cleansing ceremonies perfectly, but those who stay loyal to where God’s heart is. God’s heart is for people whom He dearly loves.


  • Praise God for who He is
  • Confess your sinfulness and need for cleansing
  • Allow His Spirit to draw you near
  • Listen as He speaks to you


  • Pray that God helps us to understand the ‘ceremony’ in our lives
  • Pray that God helps us to purify our hearts


  • Thank God for hearing you
  • Trust that God is at work to accomplish His will


What’s happening around us?

Ray of Hope is a local organization which has been active in Waterloo Region since 1967. Their team of staff and volunteers model the life of Jesus to each one of the individuals they serve.  Whether struggling with crime, addiction or homelessness, these men and women are in need of a caring word, a kind hand and a concerned heart.  Ray of Hope offers care without judgment, providing a safe and inviting atmosphere of encouragement and hope. Volunteer opportunities include giving time as a youth mentor, serving meals and offering encouragement to men and women in downtown Kitchener or assisting in the chapel program.
