Hey, Grade 1’s–and their parents, grandparents and all the too-cool and significant grown-ups in their lives! The SKers have done it! Do YOU dare?? Your Take-It-Home Event, “When Children Pray” is on its way! Grown-ups, come along with your children to worship, celebrate and take the Prayer Dare together!

When? Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 10:30am
Where? Finders Keepers Central
Cost? None! Gather your family afterwards and come hang out for lunch.

There will be no Grade 1 ‘On Your Mark!’ program on March 27th, and if possible, all children who attend the Take-It-Home Event should attend with one or more parents, grandparents and/or significant grown-ups. (Senior Kindergarten families who missed their March 6th event are welcome to join us on March 27th!) Please RSVP ASAP by emailing Charlene Neuman. Let’s connect!