Review of “RICH CHRISTIANS IN AN AGE OF HUNGER” (By Ron Sider), Westheights Library Call No. 261.1. Tom Fenske says this book was instrumental in the preparation of his message last Sunday. “It is a very accurate contrast of the way we experience Jesus in our culture versus the way the rest of the world experiences Jesus.” –   Rich Christians In An Age Of Hunger is written for our times, when every day more than 34,000 children die of starvation and preventable diseases, and 1. 3 billion human beings live in relentless, unrelieved poverty worldwide. Why is there still so much poverty in the world? Conservatives blame sinful individual choices and laziness. Liberals condemn economic and social structures. Who is right? Who is wrong? Both, according to Ronald Sider in this newly revised, expanded and updated edition of Rich Christians In An Age Of Hunger. Sider explains that poverty is the result of complex causes, and then he presents practical, workable proposes for change, proposals that should be taken up by every man and every woman who seeks to deserve the title “Christian” and to apply and to follow the teaches of Jesus of Nazareth in the modern world.

In the 20th anniversary revision of his groundbreaking book Rich Christians In An Age of Hunger, Ronald Sider examines the complex causes of poverty and offers concrete, practical proposals for social and individual change. The most thorough, biblical case against poverty—20 years ago or today.

“I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.” Matthew 25:42-43 ESV