As we approach the last week of Living Red, we have been encouraged and challenged to re-examine how we perceive the marginalized and to move toward changing the lives of those we meet along the way, and in turn be changed ourselves. The Living Red Prayer Guide profiled 40 organizations where we can help, and each Sunday we’ve profiled two local organizations during our services. Along the way, we’ve also been highlighting specific books related to living a faith that bleeds.

The following is a review of the book “WHY JESUS CROSSED THE ROAD”  by Bruce Main, Westheights Library Call No. 248.4—If we are completely honest, all of us have places, situations, and people whom we would rather avoid. Yet in a world that was governed strictly by geographical, religious, and social barriers, Jesus was audacious enough to cross the borders that kept people in safe categories. He demonstrated that the God-following life is one committed to entering the lives and stories of all people—a life committed to the lost spiritual discipline of border-crossing. In Why Jesus Crossed the Road, Bruce Main shows how God can use your own “crossings” to change your life, and the lives of those you meet along the way.

Brian McLaren, author/speaker/activist says:  “It’s not often that a street-level veteran of nitty-gritty urban ministry is also a gifted writer with an engaging style and real spiritual insight . . . but that’s the rare combination you’ll discover in Bruce Main. This book will do you good, and it will get you doing good.”
Tony Campolo, author says: “Bruce Main writes brilliantly, thinks profoundly, and daringly challenges the security that keeps us from grappling with truths about injustice and oppression.”