I was reading in Mark 2 and it is the story of the calling of Levi. Jesus says to him, Come follow me and Matthew did. Just after that we read about this interesting first step that Matthew took as a Jesus follower. He got some of his friends together. He invited them to a party.It says, “Later, Levi invited Jesus and his disciples to his home as dinner guests, along with many tax collectors and other disreputable sinners.” He has a party but it is a party with a purpose. His purpose was to introduce his friends to Jesus. In two weeks we are going to have a party with a similar purpose. We want to build bridges in our community through our seventh annual community carnival. We want to build a bridge that Jesus can walk across.
I’ve already talked to people who’ve said, “Finally an event that my husband has said, he’ll come to.” Or my wife or neighbor or business associates. “I’ve tried to get them Easter or Christmas Eve services but they’re coming to the carnival.” That’s why we’re having a really big community party. To invite people here to Westheights to experience the love of God through this entirely free event.
We have the invitations printed and you can share them with your friends. Pick some up in the foyer on Sunday and take them to your neighborhood. Be a Levi and invite them to a party … a party with a purpose.