It’s that time again for our post-carnival social as a church community. On Sunday, July 10th we’ll be having a BBQ together as well as some easy baseball and other activities for the kids so that you can sit back and enjoy an afternoon getting to know people better. For more details and what to bring read on…
All you need to do is arrive sometime after the service on July 10th with your own cutlery and plates, lawn chairs, ball gloves and either a dessert or salad for the meal.
Last year we had a great time with food and games. All burgers and hot dogs will be supplied as well as drinks, we’re just asking that you bring either a salad or a dessert to contribute. After Lunch there will be baseball for anyone old enough who wants to play. And we will have children’s games going on so ANYONE can play who wants to. Everything starts after the service on Sunday, July 10th. Meet at Sir Adam Beck Park in Baden. Lunch at 12:30 and baseball at 2:30.
Hope to see you there!