The Nicaragua team members are hoping to send us daily blog postings to update us on what they are doing and experiencing. You can help to encourage team members by commenting on their blog posts. It’s easy, it’s fast, and it’s helpful!
Adding a simple comment at the end of a blog posting, right on the Connect Blog (at, is a great way to show the team that others are reading and appreciating their updates. The comments can be short (e.g. “Sounds great!”) or long.
Each blog posting will be authored by one of the team members. The author’s name and photo will be displayed at the bottom of each post.
All comments on Connect Blog postings will automatically be emailed back to the author of that post. The comments will also be saved at the bottom of the posting.
It is a great way to turn the blog into a two-way communications vehicle.
Please add comments under the blog postings using the simple form located at the bottom of each post.
Isn’t that easy — and helpful!
(This is the third in five posts this week on how to use technology to improve communications with the Nicaragua team!)
If you have any questions about this, just let us know at
See also: “Receive Nicaragua Updates by Email” and “Receive Nicaragua Updates on Facebook“
Hey, this is where the *comments* show up! 🙂