Week 6 Teaching – The Beatitudes (March 25)


Read Matthew 5:1-11

I’ve read this passage many times and never came close to understanding it for many years. Many Bibles entitle this passage as “The Beatitudes.” I never really understood what the title meant, and never really thought about it even though the title was completely self-explanatory. Little did I know that a great mystery was revealed in this teaching of Jesus.

The title is two words put together: “Be” “Attitude”, meaning, the attitude of being. In this teaching Jesus reveals something completely radical. Following Jesus is actually not about doing the right things, it’s about being the right person. It’s not about “doing”, it’s about “being”. These verses give us examples about how Jesus expects us to “be”, not about what Jesus expects us to “do”. The verses do not say, blessed are those who act humbly, or who do things in a merciful way. It says blessed are those who are humble and who are merciful.


Let’s look at each example and examine ourselves. Are you the kind of person Jesus is talking about? What are your strengths that you can thank God for? What are your weaknesses that you can ask God for help with?

God blesses those…

… who are poor & realize their need for Him
Strength—Weakness—Not Sure

… who mourn
Strength—Weakness—Not Sure

… who are humble
Strength—Weakness—Not Sure

… who hunger and thirst for justice
Strength—Weakness—Not Sure

… who are merciful
Strength—Weakness—Not Sure

… whose hearts are pure
Strength—Weakness—Not Sure

… who work for peace
Strength—Weakness—Not Sure

… who are persecuted for doing right
Strength—Weakness—Not Sure

Remember to use your Prayer Journal to record challenges and thanks to God.