Over the past two years we have been planning on doing some renovations because of our growing church. It is our desire to fulfill Jesus’ promise in John 14:12, “I tell you the truth, whoever believes in me will do the same things that I do. Those who believe will do even greater things than these.”

Our renovation and construction project is not simply a push for money – it’s not just a “fundraising focus”. It’s a call for a deeper commitment to walking in the ways of Jesus; to contemplate and respond to the question, “Lord, what would You have me do?”. It’s a life management focus for us as individuals and as a church family. It’s an opportunity for greater faith, greater investment, greater commitment, greater sacrifice, greater vision and greater impact.

Our congregation launched a 20/20 vision to achieve greaterthings. There has been preliminary conversation with architectural professionals. We are working on a timeline that will move promptly and keep communication flowing by keeping the ministry, the project and the need before the church family.

Greater Things Title

A greaterthings Steering Committee is in place to provide leadership and team partners for the following project teams:

  • Pastor…………………………………………………………………………..Todd Lester
  • Steering Committee Chair……………………………………………………..David Wigg
  • Administrative Support & Communications……………………………………Mimi Lee
  • Prayer……………………………………………………………………………..Nel Slater
  • Events………………………………………………………………………………Jen King
  • Commitment/Follow-up……………………………………………………..John van Dijk
  • Education……………………………Tom Fenske, Charlene Neuman and Terry Wiens
  • Logistics…………………………………………………………………………..Kim Lester
  • Building Project Representative……………………………………………….Paul Hamel

If you are willing to participate in this process through leadership or partnership involvement in the above ministries please contact Dave W or Mimi Lee at 519-741-1986 or office@westheights.org.

Our greaterthings project is a prayerful and sensitive response to the following questions:

  • How do we welcome and handle our mission?
  • How do we provide friendly space that is needed to accommodate ministry growth?
  • How do we nurture existing programs and respond to new ones that will emerge?

Please be prayerful that as a church family we will advance successfully to achieve our ministry vision.

(edit 2022: For privacy purposes, edits were made to the post)