Sick childMy daughter caught a cold this week. Yippee. And guess who’s fighting one now? Yep. So easy to “catch” a cold; it only takes a bit of time spent together, a moment or two of the viral glee otherwise known as exposure

At our Take-It-Home Events, we often say that life transformation is a “catching” thing…Our kids learn compassion when they’re exposed to compassion. They learn to worship when they see it happening authentically and often in the everyday lives of grown-ups they love. And today, as they learn more about what it looks like to be God’s steward–I need to warn you–they’re especially vulnerable to the bug…

The Serving Bug, that is. Today we talked about “The Terrible Lie” and God’s broken world, full of broken systems and broken people and all kinds of brokenness that God never intended: hunger, thirst. selfishness, loneliness, illness, pain…How God has empowered us for special work–to partner with Him, and with others around us, to heal the broken things of this world!

Your children are poised to love and to serve. Will you help them to connect with opportunities to live out their assignment? Will you work alongside them in the Kingdom? Coming up, soon and very soon, for Team Westheights: Ride for Refuge, Hallowe’en for Hunger, Project Give, Project Serve, a service at Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre…So many great ways to bring comfort and healing to brokenness. And keep your eyes and ears open, if you dare! God is in the business of interrupting our days with opportunities to meet the needs of friends, neighbours, colleagues and schoolmates.

Serving is caught. Expose them to the bug.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)