So we are at about the halfway point through our Greater Things series! I am looking forward to what is to come as I have learned so much about contributing to further the work of the Lord.

If you are like my family, we have had to take a close and hard look at where we are at and what we can do to contribute to Westheights in this endeavor. Don’t worry, there are many ways that you can raise funds; some of these ideas are a little more work than others but we all know what our abilities are. Take a look at the list below:

Basket of wool1. If you are a a handy knitter or crocheter (is that a word?) than check out this website. You can make small projects to sell at crafting shows on Kijiji and friends and family, you may end up with a small business of your own out of this, anything is possible!

2. If you are talented in the kitchen then perhaps selling baked or cooked items to friends, family and neighbours might be an option for you. As we are approaching the wonderful Reindeer CookiesChristmas season this is a great time to offer to bake cookies, maybe for the Moms that need something to contribute to their kids sports team party or school event. Have a couple of items on a list that you prepare well, with some prices and away you go! Check out this website for inspiring ideas.

kijiji_logo3. If cooking or crocheting are not your thing, here is a great idea that requires nothing but your stuff and a internet connection! One man’s junk is another man’s treasure; this is so true and I have discovered that using online classifieds to sell my stuff not only helps the purchaser but the seller also you are turning an unused item into cash! You can sell anything from furniture to clothing and they even have a mobile app that makes posting your ad quick and easy. Check out Kijiji here.

4. Another idea that is closely related to the one above is an indoor garage sale! I can see that confused look on your face. What’s an indoor garage sale, you say. I am glad you asked! As the weather is getting colder it wouldn’t be wise to have your items out on your driveway, so this is a way to have a garage sale but keep the items in your home (saves you dragging them outside!). You will find a step-by-step of how to go about this here.

Raking5. Not to leave the kids and young adults out of this list here is just a few ideas for them. We may already be getting late in the season for this but there is still time if you hurry; raking neighbours leaves for compensation could be very fruitful. If you have neighbours who are elderly or even just busy you could do really well as a small business. Here are some ideas.
on facilitating this.

6. Another teen idea is shoveling snow, again elderly and busy neighbours might be willing to pay you for this task just so they don’t have to do it themselves. Check out this website for tips on this.

These are just a few ideas to get you started! I hope these help or maybe even spark an idea or two of your own. Let me know as I would love to hear from you.

Until next time.
