
When we pulled Journey to the Cross together, our hope was that you’d take the time over the next 40 days to expand your thinking about prayer and find new ways you connect with God. Our hope was that you’d find a new avenue for your spiritual journey that you’d add to your daily spiritual habits. From the stories I’ve been hearing online and in person over the last two weeks, people are finding new strength and a fresh challenge to their spiritual lives. The guide was compiled from multiple sources, but if you’d like to dive more deeply into some of these practices, take a look at the following list. Hopefully, you’d find something that continues to encourage you. All these materials are available in our own Westheights Church library.

The Spirit of the Disciplines, by Dallas Willard (Call # 248.4) – Dallas Willard presents a way of living that enables ordinary men and women to enjoy the fruit of the Christian life. The Spirit of the Disciplines is for everyone who strives to be a disciple of Jesus in thought and action as well as intention.

Celebration of Discipline, by Rich Foster (Call #248.4) – In the twenty years since its publication, Celebration of Discipline has helped over a million seekers discover a richer spiritual life infused with joy, peace, and a deeper understanding of God. It explores the “classic Disciplines,” or central spiritual practices, of the Christian faith.

The Sacred Way, by Tony Jones (Call #248.4) – This book mines the rich history of the church for spiritual disciplines that have been largely forgotten in the practice of Christianity.

The Godward Gaze, by Steve McVey (Call #231.6) – For all who want to experience a deeper walk with God…here is a contemporary look at nine essential spiritual disciplines that have helped Christians in their Godward gaze for centuries. Now they can help you too.

Devotional Classics, by Richard Foster (Call #242) – The fifty-two selections in Devotional Classics have been organized to introduce the reader to the great Christian devotional writers over the course of one year, through an introduction and meditation by Foster, a related biblical passage, discussion questions, and individual and group exercises. Devotional Classics is indispensable for those looking for a deeper and more balanced spiritual life.

Too Busy Not to Pray, by Bill Hybels (Call #248.3) – For the past twenty years Too Busy Not to Pray has stood as a classic on prayer, helping Christians all over the world slow down to draw near to God.

Practice of the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence (Call #248.3) – For nearly 300 years this unparalleled classic has given both blessing and instruction to those who can be content with nothing less than knowing God in all His majesty and feeling His loving presence throughout each simple day.

Praying God’s Word, by Beth Moore (Call #248.3) – No matter how overwhelmed or out of control a person may feel today, Beth boldly reminds us that nothing is bigger or more powerful than the Lord. With this landmark book we learn to wield the sword of the Spirit, praying God’s Word to break free from anything that has a hold on us until the joy and authority of Christ rules in our lives.

Believer’s Prayer Life, by Andrew Murray (Call #248.3) – Andrew Murray believed that the greatest roadblock to continued spiritual growth in the life of a Christian is prayerlessness. Clearly outlining the way to overcome this sin of omission, he then gives inspiring and practical guidelines for continuing victory. Examples from such Apostles of prayer as Paul, George Müller and Hudson Taylor help the reader to apply these principles.

Prayer of Jabez, by Bruce Wilkinson (Call #248.3) – It’s a timeless prayer that produces timely results! Bruce Wilkinson takes readers to 1 Chronicles 4:10 to discover how they can release God’s miraculous power and experience the blessings God longs to give each of us. The life of Jabez, one of the Bible’s most overlooked heroes of the faith, bursts from unbroken pages of genealogies in an audacious, fourpart prayer that brings him an extraordinary measure of divine favor, anointing, and protection.

A Passionate Life, by Mike Breen and Walt Kallestad (Call #248.4) – A Passionate Life is designed to transform the life of every believer through biblical principles presented in the form of eight simple and memorable shapes. These shapes form a discipleship approach that help each of us gain a greater understanding of what God intends to do in our personal lives, in our church and in the world. It is designed to make life-long learners who will grow together in a counter-cultural lifestyle.

Inside Out: Real Change is Possible, by Dr. Larry Crabb (Call #248.4) – Dr. Crabb has provided a much needed call to repentance from the sins of the heart—sins which often keep us from the freedom to change and growth in our personal faith-walk with Jesus.

Ordering Your Private World, by Gordon MacDonald (Call #248.4) – In this timely update of his classic Ordering Your Private World, Gordon MacDonald equips a new generation to live life from the inside out, cultivating the inner victory necessary for public effectiveness.

Sacred Pathways, by Gary Thomas (Call #248.46) – Some Christians effortlessly spend hours in contemplative prayer. Just being around them makes you wish you were that way. Or maybe you are that way, but others are far better at showing God’s love in practical ways or courageously standing up for God’s kingdom. Why can’t you be like them? Maybe you weren’t designed to be. In this revised and updated edition of Sacred Pathways, Gary Thomas strips away the frustration of a one-size-fits-all spirituality and guides you toward a path of worship that frees you to be you.

Pursuit of God, by A.W. Tozer (Call #248.46) – A.W. Tozer’s classic Christian work covers: 1. Following Hard After God 2. The Blessedness of Possessing Nothing 3. Removing the Veil 4. Apprehending God 5. The Universal Presence 6. The Speaking Voice 7. The Gaze of the Soul 8. Restoring the Creator-Creature Relation 9. Meekness and Rest 10. The Sacrament of Living.

First Easter, by Peter Marshall (Call #232.96) – In this beloved book, Marshall skillfully weaves a magnificent dramatic narrative of Easter from Peter’s many thought-provoking messages.

And the Angels Were Silent: The Final Week of Jesus, by Max Lucado (Call #232.96) – Master storyteller and best-selling author Max Lucado invites you: “Let’s follow Jesus on his final journey. For by observing his, we may learn how to make ours. And discover what matters.”

Contemplating the Cross, by Tricia McCary Rhodes (Call #232.96) – Few times of year lend themselves to pilgrimage and contemplation like Easter. For forty days, Christians have before them the opportunity to examine their own path and compare it with the incredible journey undertaken by Christ, from the agony of the garden to the glory of the resurrection. By sharing her journey, Tricia Rhodes provides the tools to cultivate the cross within and the inspiration to accept the Father’s summons to kneel in its shadow. Scripture and daily exercises gently nourish the spiritual traveler, while journal pages wait to hold the story of personal reflection.

Be sure to check out the recommended reading books for Lent. In addition to some of the books listed above, there are other great books that were already in the library.