New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale is just two weeks away (May 26 & 27)! Pack up your travel mugs, water bottles and your rhubarb (to donate to the Rhubarb Tent ), register for the 2k or 5k Run (on website), and take in the Indoors Auction (Friday evening) and Outdoors Auction (Sat morning).

Bring your yeast baking (with name and contact info) to the Yeast Baking venue. Contact Darlene at for more information.

Also looking for donations of plants: perennials, succulents, house plants, native, berries, shrubs, and annuals. If possible, label potted plants with plant name and colour if it has a bloom. Drop them off at the Drop Off Tent at the entrance to the sale. Contact Marlene.

New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale website: