Come one, come all, to our annual Corn Roast on Saturday, September 7th! Bring along your friends, neighbours and family for an informal time of relaxed socializing. It’s always a great time and memories are sure to be made.
AND, drum roll please, due to popular demand and the efforts of a contingent of Kahquah enthusiasts, we are resurrecting our baked goods silent auction with all proceeds going towards the ministry of Camp Kahquah. If you haven’t experienced a baked goods silent auction, this is one delicious experience you won’t want to miss. Anyone can donate a pie, squares, cookies, cake, etc. toward the auction; just bring it to the corn roast and ensure that your baked treat is identified as an auction item – if you’re not careful, somebody might inadvertently add it to our potluck dessert offerings instead. During the corn roast, people place bids on sheets of paper for the desserts, with the highest bidder taking home the treat.
In addition to the baked goods auction, we will be providing farm-fresh corn-on-the-cob and BBQ main course (free!). Please bring along:
- salad or dessert to share (this is the potluck part)
- lawn chairs or blanket to sit on
- plates, cups and cutlery
- Baked good donation for our auction
- OR, money to bid on our baked goods
Annual Westheights Corn Roast
Saturday, September 7th, 2019 (rain date is Sunday, September 8th at the same time and place)
Doors open at 3:00 pm – Dinner at 4:30pm (sharp!)
Jantzi Farm, 2277 Moser Young Road in St. Clements, ON