Every three years, our BIC denomination has a gathering of all our pastors from around the world. This year, the gathering takes place in Canada from November 7-14, bringing together BIC church leaders from all over the world including Africa, South America and India. We are excited to have these church leaders visit our great country. However, many of them have never experienced the cold of Ontario, nor do they have the means to purchase appropriate outerwear.
This is where YOU come in! We are looking for either the loan or donation of men’s outerwear: coats, scarves and gloves – in medium to large sizes. They will only be used for the week of November 7-14.
If loaned, your items will be photographed and then cleaned (if necessary) before returned to you the week of November 18th.
If donated, your items will be passed on to an appropriate organization.
Please bring your items to church and pass them on to Heather Noble, whose mother is organizing this cold weather clothing collection.
If you have any questions, contact Heather’s mother (Joan Tompkins).
Any contribution will be very much appreciated! We need to clothe 30 people!