Thanks to everyone who participated at last weekend’s Project Give. We started the morning with a service that focused on the topic of “impact” and how our words and actions leave an impression on our world, followed by an encouraging and touching message by Heather Gallian, of MCC (click here for the podcast). After the service, over 95 people stayed and dove straight into our 11th annual Project Give service.
With your help, we were able to practice showing love to our global and local neighbours through several service projects:
- We made Christmas tree crafts for our next door neighbours, the residents of the Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre. For many of these residents, these trees will be the only Christmas decoration in their room! If you visit the rooms of some of the long-term residents, you will find our Westheights crafts going back to 2013! So our gifts are precious to them!
- We filled 187 hygiene kits which MCC will send to areas of need, after war or disaster. In the past, kits have gone to Bosnia, Herzegovina, North Korea, Haiti, and Nicaragua.
- We assembled Christmas gifts for MCC’s CoSA clients, offenders re-integrating into the community after release from prison.
- We made Christmas cards for the residents of FHLTCC and MCC’s CoSA clients.
- We completed knotting a quilt which will shelter refugees who have fled war-torn areas.
Thank you for participating and blessing our glocal (global+local) neighbours!