Over the past few months we have faced an unprecedented challenge. In all of this, I am grateful for our faith in Jesus, who remains a constant source of hope amidst the uncertainty of the times.
I am grateful for you as a church community. Together we have navigated the forced changes in how we do life together as a church family and are (re)discovering the freeing truth that the church is more than a building. Thank you for reaching out to one another – your phone calls, emails, texts messages (etc, etc) are making a difference.
Thank you also for your ongoing financial support. It has been so encouraging to see how many people have made an extra effort to give online, through e-transfer or by dropping an envelope at the church. Our offerings over the past two months, combined with lower expenses due to the shutdown, have kept us in a good position. As we have navigated this crisis, the Board and the staff are so grateful for the faithfulness of our church family.
As we look to the future, it is understandable that some of us are wondering when our church family will be able to resume meeting in person. Unfortunately there is no clear answer to this question and the reality is that concerns about this virus are going to have an impact for quite some time. As we ponder what it might look like to resume in-person ministry, I want to underscore that we are committed to following the directions of our government, the recommendations of our public health officials, and the advice of BIC Canada.
As we consider what it means to meet again in person, we are thinking through a variety of scenarios and factors. In everything we are thinking about, the safety of those who attend Westheights Community Church is a constant priority. When we are able to take steps towards meeting together, we will do our best to clearly communicate our plans and the precautions we are taking with you.
As we navigate this strange time, let me remind us that we are not all experiencing this season the same. Throughout this pandemic some of us have felt confident, while others of us have experienced a great deal of fear. As we look ahead, I want to be clear that neither your faith in God nor your loyalty to our church family will be judged by your presence or absence whenever we resume in-person ministries. This is a season for grace, and as a church family we will offer one another as much grace as possible as individuals and families decide what next steps they are comfortable with.
In closing, I want to say thank you for being you. Over the past few weeks, I have heard comments from some visitors who have attended online services that they could tell that we have a great community here at Westheights Community Church. Thank you for being a part of who we are as a church family. It is a privilege to serve you during these days!
Josh Mutter
Lead Pastor