The Daily Devotional Made Easy

The Daily Devotional Made Easy

So I know that I have mentioned that I do not do the whole New Year’s resolution thing, but…. I lied (kinda). I did make one resolution this year for myself and for my kids:  to do better with daily devotions. This is easier said than done as finding the...
Living Red Family Devotional – Week Three

Living Red Family Devotional – Week Three

Have you ever heard a story about a great buried treasure? A rag-tag group of adventurers searching for the place where “X marks the spot”? Those stories can be fun and exciting, but have you noticed that it can be common for one or more of the adventurers to become...
Living Red Family Devotional – Week Two

Living Red Family Devotional – Week Two

What is your favourite movie? Why do you like it so much? Is there action and adventure?  How about excitement? Most popular movies (and books and television shows and other things that tell a story) centre around some sort of battle between the good guys and the bad...
Living Red Family Devotional – Week One

Living Red Family Devotional – Week One

Potato chips are a Saturday treat in our house. We know that they’re not exactly healthy food, but they are so delicious! Part of the appeal is the satisfying crunch, but better than that is the salty flavour. Can you imagine eating salt-less chips? … Read...