Living Debt-Free

Without payments, you can do anything you want!  The bible describes debt as slavery.  Choose a life of freedom, uncover lies about credit, and discover the joy of living – and giving – like never before.… Read...

Biblical, Practical, Relevant

Financial Peace Classes Start Soon Come learn more about how you can apply biblical, practical, and relevant financial truths to your life by joining a Financial Peace University course, this fall.… Read...

How To Buy BIG, BIG Bargains

Looking for deals? Learn how to get the best ones every time you buy. Come learn more about how you can apply this to your life by joining a Financial Peace University course, this fall.… Read...
What I Am Reading This Week

What I Am Reading This Week

I realise that the following book review does not relate to a very spiritual book. However, I like to read a wide variety of books, especially history books. History is a great teacher and I love to read about all periods. I particularly read a lot of history from the...

Anniversary Offering Totals

Well Westheights, I can’t believe it but you surpassed last year’s amazing Anniversary offering (last year you gave $20,000 for our 2009 Anniversary offering). The numbers are in and the Anniversary offering for 2010 is … (drum roll here)…...