The Wide Spectrum of Mothering

The Wide Spectrum of Mothering

To those who gave birth this year to their first child—we celebrate with you To those who lost a child this year – we mourn with you To those who are in the trenches with little ones every day and wear the badge of food stains – we appreciate you To those who...
Under Pressure

Under Pressure

Teenagers are weary this time of year. Even if they’re not in high school yet, January signals the midway point in the school year, which you can tell by the way they carry themselves. If I had to draw a cartoon about the average teenager during exams, they’d be...
LINK: Teens Tired of Facebook Drama

LINK: Teens Tired of Facebook Drama

Students are growing tired of using Facebook as they see it as an online extension of their offline drama, a new study from Pew research suggests. In our world working with young people means using facebook, twitter, and a whole other set of social and sharing online...
Using Technology to Torment Your Kids :-)

Using Technology to Torment Your Kids :-)

“As Digital Parenting blogger Beth Blecherman has noted previously, withholding technology is one of the most effective ways to guide your children’s behavior, whether it’s a cellphone or net access. But, make no mistake, this can also be a lot of...