Operation Christmas Child Final Results

Operation Christmas Child Final Results

Hey everybody, the count is in and, once again, Westheights Community Church reigns supreme in the generosity department.  Our goal was to have 120 completed shoeboxes to send to children in third world countries.  The final count was 138 boxes!… Read...
Operation Christmas Child Final Results

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

On Sunday, October 17, Westheights Church kicked off our Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoebox campaign.  110 plastic and cardboard shoeboxes were provided to the congregation, and we were thrilled to see them all disappear.  Fill these boxes with a balance of...
Operation Christmas Child Final Results

Collect Shoeboxes

As we prepare for Operation Christmas Child, we need to begin collecting shoeboxes.  In your travels, please make an effort to ask retail stores or friends or family for their empty shoeboxes and bring them back to Westheights Church.… Read...